Monday, May 13, 2013
Kuliah S2 Wirausaha Kreatif di IDS|IKJ
Obrolan dengan majalah Teknopreneur membahas aktivitas di luar pekerjaan. Saya baru menuntaskan Kuliah S2 Wirausaha Kreatif di IDS|IKJ dan juga berbagi ke komunitas startup di berbagai forum.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
PP82 – Regulasi tanpa Insentif
Selasa tgl 7 Mei lalu saya diundang oleh idEA –
Indonesia E-commerce Association untuk menjadi salah satu narasumber untuk
diskusi publik dengan pembahasan tentang PP82 yang berisi tentang Penyelenggaraan
Sistem dan Transaksi Elektronik. (Bagi yang ingin membaca PP 82 dan referensi lainnya, silakan klik di sini)
Tulisan ini merupakan catatan dan opini pribadi saya tentang diskusi tersebut.
Ada 5 agenda utama yang dibahas di dalam diskusi ini, yakni:
- Implikasi PP82 terhadap perkembangan UKM, khususnya ekonomi berbasis internet yang berpotensi bertumbuh menjadi layanan regional dan global.
- Keseimbangan antara regulasi dan insentif
- Definisi transaksi dan pelayanan publik
- Penggunaan data center lokal
- Nama Domain Lokal
Implikasi PP82 terhadap UKM
Menurut Ashwin Sasongko – Direktur Jendral Aplikasi & Informatika, latar belakang pemerintah di dalam membuat kebijakan melalui peraturan pemerintah ini didasarkan pada usaha untuk melakukan proteksi atas kepentingan public atas keamanan transaksi online. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan perangkat hukum yang bisa dijadikan acuan.
Di dalam implementasi peraturan ini tentu akan terjadi tarik
ulur antara keamanan dan kenyamanan. Analogi yang disampaikan adalah dengan
adanya proteksi, semisal kita masuk ke hotel internasional bintang lima, maka sangat
ketat penjagaan yang dilakukan oleh hotel tersebut agar timbul rasa aman bagi
pengunjung. Keamanan dan kenyamanan yang selalu berbanding terbalik, pada
akhirnya akan melakukan penyeesuaian dengan munculnya teknologi yang lebih
mudah dan praktis sehingga muncul kenyamanan dan keamanan tetap terjaga.
Meskipun didasarkan kepada alasan yang bagus, banyak
komponen di dalam peraturan perundangan yang memberikan reaksi negatif dari
pelaku e-commerce.
Daniel Tumiwa – Ketua Umum Asosiasi idEA melihat bahwa peraturan perundangan ini sebaiknya lebih kepada sosialisasi dan standarisasi bagi pelaku e-commerce daripada regulasi yang sifatnya penegakan hukum secara kaku. Sebagai analogi adalah label 'halal' pada makanan yang aman dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat muslim. Pencantuman label ini memberikan rasa keamanan dan kenyamanan bagi masyarakat yang membutuhkannya.
Sifat transaksi elektronik bermula dari pertukaran dan transaksi barang antar teman, komunitas dan banyak yang terjadi antar pengguna. Banyak transaksi yang dimulai di Facebook, Kaskus dan Blackberry Messenger. Sulit untuk memberikan jaminan keamanan dan meregulasi transaksi yang terjadi secara organik semacam ini.
Bagi situs e-commerce yang melakukan operasinya secara terbuka, sejak awal mereka fokus di layanan transaksi elektronik. Situs-situs ini akan melakukan standarisasi keamanan sehingga transaksi yang dilakukan di dalam situs tersebut akan dijamin keamanannya. Dengan pemahaman ini maka idEA dan anggotanya mendukung pelaksanaan peraturan pemerintah yang sifatnya partisipatif bagi perusahaan e-commerce untuk melakukan standarisasi keamanan.
Regulasi & Insentif
Menanggapi isyu ini, Azhar Hasyim – Direktur E-Business Kominfo menyatakan bahwa Indonesia terlalu besar jika dibanding Singapura yang hanya sebesar satu kecamatan sehingga tidak bisa dibandingkan begitu saja. Pernyataan ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak adanya usaha untuk belajar dari negara yang sudah lebih maju untuk mendorong adanya insentif pertumbuhan kewirausahaan.
Setelah berdiskusi dengan partner saya Edward Chamdani di Ideosource, kita melihat dari sisi pembentukan perusahaan, ekuitas di Indonesia hanya mengenal 'common share' atau saham/ekuitas. 'Preferred share' atau saham yang memiliki hak khusus masih belum dikenal dan diakui sehingga tidak adanya insentif bagi investor untuk mendukung mekanisme investasi seperti halnya angel investing atau modal ventura. (perbedaan common share dan preferred share bisa dilihat di sini). Masih banyak detil di dalam pola kepemilikan perusahaan yang belum mengadopsi kebutuhan untuk perusahaan berbasis properti intelektual.
Di dalam bisnis modal ventura yang mendapatkan keuntungan dari jual beli ekuitas dari perusahaan, di Indonesia tidak dikenal adanya ekuitas yang dinilai dari properti intelektual, jadi perhitungan selalu didasarkan kepada modal disetor dalam bentuk dana. Hal ini menyulitkan dari sisi valuasi atas perusahaan di bidang teknologi informasi yang berbasis kepada aset properti intelektual. Bagi para entrepreneur yang membangun ekuitas perusahaan dan menghasilkan valuasi yang tinggi atas perusahaan akan sulit dijustifikasi ketika adanya investor baru yang masuk karena semua usaha yang sudah dilakukan sebelumnya tidak bisa dinilai jika tidak adanya setoran modal. Jika terjadi jual beli ekuitas, maka pajak akan diterapkan atas perbedaan harga jual ekuitas dan modal disetor karena pengembangan aset perusahaan berbasis properti intelektual tidak bisa dinilai. Implikasinya adalah pajak menjadi besar karena pengembangan aset intelektual tidak bisa dinilai.
Di dalam bisnis modal ventura yang mendapatkan keuntungan dari jual beli ekuitas dari perusahaan, di Indonesia tidak dikenal adanya ekuitas yang dinilai dari properti intelektual, jadi perhitungan selalu didasarkan kepada modal disetor dalam bentuk dana. Hal ini menyulitkan dari sisi valuasi atas perusahaan di bidang teknologi informasi yang berbasis kepada aset properti intelektual. Bagi para entrepreneur yang membangun ekuitas perusahaan dan menghasilkan valuasi yang tinggi atas perusahaan akan sulit dijustifikasi ketika adanya investor baru yang masuk karena semua usaha yang sudah dilakukan sebelumnya tidak bisa dinilai jika tidak adanya setoran modal. Jika terjadi jual beli ekuitas, maka pajak akan diterapkan atas perbedaan harga jual ekuitas dan modal disetor karena pengembangan aset perusahaan berbasis properti intelektual tidak bisa dinilai. Implikasinya adalah pajak menjadi besar karena pengembangan aset intelektual tidak bisa dinilai.
Dengan belum adanya insentif atas regulasi yang memberikan keuntungan bagi investor dan startup, maka yang terjadi adalah Indonesia kehilangan kesempatan untuk menjadi basis atas perusahaan-perusahaan startup teknologi informasi yang pada akhirnya akan bermigrasi ke negara-negara yang memberikan insentif kepada mereka.
Definisi Transaksi & Pelayanan Publik
Yang menjadi agenda dalam diskusi ini adalah apakah perusahaan e-commerce bisa didefinisikan di dalam layanan publik. Kominfo menyatakan bahwa berdasarkan atas transaksi yang melibatkan publik, maka semua perusahaan e-commerce masuk di dalam kategori pelayanan publik. bahkan termasuk media sosial.
Gildas Lumy – CTO PT Iman Tekhnologi Informasi yang terlibat di dalam penyusunan PP 82 tidak sependapat dengan layanan publik yang didefinisikan secara luas seperti ini, akan tetapi melihat bahwa peraturan yang sudah dibuat memang punya potensi terjemahan yang luas, maka saya melihat bahwa meskipun penyusun naskah peraturan punya intensi yang berbeda, pada akhirnya nantinya penegakkan hukum yang akan menentukan seberapa jauh ranah layanan publik ini akan diterjemahkan.
Implikasi atas ini adalah semua yang masuk dalam ranah layanan publik, akan masuk di dalam regulasi PP 82. Dalam hal ini akan mencakup layanan e-commerce dan media sosial.
Penggunaan Data Center Lokal
Data merupakan aset yang sangat penting di era informasi. Dari sisi regulasi, semua penyedia layanan publik diwajibkan untuk menempatkan pusat data dan pusat pemulihan bencana di wilayah Indonesia untuk kepentingan penegakan hukum, perlindungan, dan penegakan kedaulatan negara terhadap data warga negaranya
Hal paling penting dari peraturan ini adalah bahwa data perilaku pengguna Internet akan tersimpan di dalam wilayah Indonesia. Ini sama halnya bahwa data komunikasi di telepon pribadi, data transaksi belanja di bank, semuanya merupakan data pribadi pelanggan yang amannya disimpan oleh penyedia layanan lokal.
Yang perlu diantisipasi oleh seluruh penyedia layanan publik adalah ketika informasi ini berada di institusi yang tidak kompeten di dalam menyimpan data seperti halnya data pelanggan kartu kredit saat ini beredar luas menjadi sasaran telemarketing. Selain itu akses atas informasi ini rentan pula terhadap campur tangan pemerintah yang pihak-pihak yang memiliki kekuasaan untuk mendapatkan akses data. Sebagai contoh, Google memberikan transparency report sebagai usaha self disclosure. Model ini perlu dilakukan oleh penyedia layanan publik di Indonesia jika terjadi adanya kebocoran data publik.
Nama Domain Lokal
Penggunaan domain lokal untuk badan usaha dan organisasi yang berdomisili di wilayah Indonesia ini yang paling banyak mendatangkan kontroversi. Alasan dari Kominfo menyatakan bahwa tujuan utama adalah agar semua perusahaan penyedia layanan bisa dijamin bahwa mereka berdomisili di Indonesia dan beroperasi secara legal.
William Tanuwijaya dari Tokopedia menyatakan bahwa untuk kepentingan persaingan internasional, peraturan ini malah membuat kita tidak mampu menjadi pemain internasional. Studi kasus di China bahwa seluruh pemain besar menggunakan domain .com menjadikan mereka pemain internasional yang memberikan layanan kelas dunia dan pelanggan dari seluruh dunia.
Riyeke Ustadiyanto – Founder ipaymu yang punya pengalaman panjang di bidang search engine menyatakan bahwa dengan penggunaan domain lokal, kita akan sulit bersaing di dalam mendatangkan kunjungan di situs karena algoritme Google yang memberikan preferensi atas domain internasional.
Menurut saya, peraturan perundangan ini memang paling tidak kondusif bagi pelaku bisnis dan sangat tidak layak untuk diimplementasikan.
Setelah mengikuti diskusi ini, saya mengambil kesimpulan bahwa usaha untuk membuka wawasan pemerintah untuk membuat iklim yang lebih kondusif terhadap kewirausahaan di bidang teknologi informasi ini tidak akan berhasil jika tidak ada perubahan struktural dan institusional.
Hal ini berkenaan bahwa secara struktur Indonesia tidak memiliki model institusi yang memang dirancang untuk pro bisnis. Sebagai analogi kita lihat bahwa setiap perusahaan memiliki divisi Sales/Marketing dan Finance. Secara struktural, Sales/Marketing punya target dan pencapaian atas penjualan dan naiknya pendapatan, sedang Finance melakukan kontrol atas uang masuk dan keluar. Analogi lain adalah tim sepakbola punya striker sebagai penyerang dan kiper berfungsi untuk bertahan.
Di Singapura, pemerintah memiliki kementrian yang selain mengatur perangkat hukum dan administrasi negara, juga membawahi badan seperti IDA (Industry Development Authority) dan MDA (Media Development Authority) yang memiliki kewenangan untuk pengembangan iklim pro bisnis lintas departemen karena mereka merupakan tangan-tangan di dalam pemerintahan untuk melakukan sinergi antar departemen yang punya kepentingan berbeda.
Di Indonesia, lingkungan pro bisnis tidak akan terjadi jika tidak ada badan yang fokus dan punya target pengembangan ekonomi dan bisnis. Tugas dari Kominfo adalah melakukan regulasi, tugas dari Kumham adalah penegakan hukum. Pertanyaan terbesar adalah siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas pengembangan bisnis di Indonesia? Bagi Kominfo tugas membuat regulasi sudah selesai, bukan wewenang mereka lagi bagaimana penegakan hukum dilakukan oleh Kumham maupun dampaknya atas industri. Dan bukan tugas mereka pula bagaimana memberikan insentif pengembangan bagi pelaku industri.
Bagi pelaku bisnis Internet dan e-commerce di Indonesia, berkenaan dengan regulasi dan implementasi PP82, masih cukup waktu untuk mencari kiat praktis menghadapi implementasi regulasi ini.
Wednesday, May 01, 2013
Multiply is Shutting Down: Good or Bad News?
Indonesian version
These past few days journalists from various media publications have been reaching out to me, asking about the Indonesia's e-commerce scene. The news about Multiply closing down has surprised many, with most of them being the Internet industry players. The frequently asked question was "How is Indonesian e-commerce looking like at the moment?" and "What's your take on Multiply's shut down and what's its potential impact on e-commerce industry in Indonesia?" Here's what I have to say:
E-commerce scene in Indonesia is doing very well. In 2012, total Internet users amounted to more than 60 millions. From the number, approximately 5% have done online transactions, meaning that there are 3 million people in Indonesia who have shopped online at least once. This number excludes purchases for airline tickets, hotel vouchers, and concert tickets. Internet users in 2014 is projected to rise to 80 million and the adoption rate of e-commerce will reach more than 10%. There will be a surge in the number of online consumers to 8 - 10 million people. The average spending of online transactions currently ranges from 100 - 200 thousand Rupiah per transaction. If this consumer shops at least once or more, then the value of e-commerce transactions would easily reach 1-3 Trillion Rupiah or about 100 - 300 million USD. Internet adoption rate would grow significantly in the next 5 years – almost similar to the way we experienced the mobile adoption period during 2000 - 2010.
The numbers above shows that it is only a matter of time there will be a significant Internet growth and rapid adoption of online shopping behavior.
Please refer to e-commerce business models found at the bottom of this article to fully understand my take on this.
The way I see it, Multiply's decision to shut down its operation was solely based on a strategic investment point of view rather than taking it from the e-commerce industry growth itself.
When it was still operating, Multiply used to provide a subsidy for each transaction through free shipping. Therefore, the more transaction that took place, the bigger the loss they suffered. In a marketplace business model, the potential revenue generated in comparison to the cost produced per transaction still take up quite some time to generate positive cash flow. Unlike Tokobagus that employs a media business model; the more listing people create, the higher the number of the revenue.
In a marketplace business model, the cost of market education compared to the potential monetization opportunity is still a long way to go. In the long run though, both marketplace and the media model would acquire quite a rich merchant database. If the merchants are already reaping the benefits of transactions, then it would be fairly easy for Tokobagus to also create a marketplace as well as a media.
Post- shut down, there's a number of qualified human resources available to be dispersed in the e-commerce industry. I experienced a similar condition when I left, when a good number of the talents now have become leaders in various e-commerce and Internet companies. The same thing also happened when Yahoo! let go of Koprol and when Detik was acquired by Transgroup; it contributes to growth of the industry because of the proliferation of talents with extensive knowledge and experience.
The talents now have the liberty to choose to to work in other companies or to form new startups in e-commerce. Investors certainly have more confidence to invest in those who are already equipped with an experience of running a similar business.
Therefore I am very optimistic that e-commerce will be huge in Indonesia!
There is a significant difference in between a marketplace and an online store. For an easier understanding, let's use the analogy of a marketplace as a mall and an online store as a retail store. The most popular marketplace model worldwide are eBay and Alibaba, while Amazon would be a very familiar name for an online retail model.
eBay's business model is to generate revenue from two things, listing fee and final value fee or transaction fee. Listing fee is charged to merchants or sellers for any products that appear on eBay. Sellers will still be paying for listing fee regardless the goods are sold or not. Meanwhile, transaction fee or final value fee will be charged by eBay when a transaction occurs – such fee is determined in a percentage amount of the value of goods sold. Since eBay has Paypal, they will also gain from the third kind of the fee via an escrow service or a payment made via Paypal. Such monetization model is fairly prone to the shady deals completed outside of eBay, therefore eBay provides a harsh penalty if they caught theirs merchant settling transactions outside of eBay. With these models, what eBay calls a revenue is not the total value of the transaction, but the listing fee and final value fee/ transaction fee received. Since eBay requires no inventory and all the operational services are performed by merchants, their profit is considerably high compared to Amazon.
These past few days journalists from various media publications have been reaching out to me, asking about the Indonesia's e-commerce scene. The news about Multiply closing down has surprised many, with most of them being the Internet industry players. The frequently asked question was "How is Indonesian e-commerce looking like at the moment?" and "What's your take on Multiply's shut down and what's its potential impact on e-commerce industry in Indonesia?" Here's what I have to say:
How is Indonesia's e-commerce looking like?
E-commerce scene in Indonesia is doing very well. In 2012, total Internet users amounted to more than 60 millions. From the number, approximately 5% have done online transactions, meaning that there are 3 million people in Indonesia who have shopped online at least once. This number excludes purchases for airline tickets, hotel vouchers, and concert tickets. Internet users in 2014 is projected to rise to 80 million and the adoption rate of e-commerce will reach more than 10%. There will be a surge in the number of online consumers to 8 - 10 million people. The average spending of online transactions currently ranges from 100 - 200 thousand Rupiah per transaction. If this consumer shops at least once or more, then the value of e-commerce transactions would easily reach 1-3 Trillion Rupiah or about 100 - 300 million USD. Internet adoption rate would grow significantly in the next 5 years – almost similar to the way we experienced the mobile adoption period during 2000 - 2010.
The numbers above shows that it is only a matter of time there will be a significant Internet growth and rapid adoption of online shopping behavior.
What's your take on Multiply's shut down and what's its potential impact on e-commerce industry in Indonesia?
Please refer to e-commerce business models found at the bottom of this article to fully understand my take on this.
The way I see it, Multiply's decision to shut down its operation was solely based on a strategic investment point of view rather than taking it from the e-commerce industry growth itself.
When it was still operating, Multiply used to provide a subsidy for each transaction through free shipping. Therefore, the more transaction that took place, the bigger the loss they suffered. In a marketplace business model, the potential revenue generated in comparison to the cost produced per transaction still take up quite some time to generate positive cash flow. Unlike Tokobagus that employs a media business model; the more listing people create, the higher the number of the revenue.
In a marketplace business model, the cost of market education compared to the potential monetization opportunity is still a long way to go. In the long run though, both marketplace and the media model would acquire quite a rich merchant database. If the merchants are already reaping the benefits of transactions, then it would be fairly easy for Tokobagus to also create a marketplace as well as a media.
Post- shut down, there's a number of qualified human resources available to be dispersed in the e-commerce industry. I experienced a similar condition when I left, when a good number of the talents now have become leaders in various e-commerce and Internet companies. The same thing also happened when Yahoo! let go of Koprol and when Detik was acquired by Transgroup; it contributes to growth of the industry because of the proliferation of talents with extensive knowledge and experience.
The talents now have the liberty to choose to to work in other companies or to form new startups in e-commerce. Investors certainly have more confidence to invest in those who are already equipped with an experience of running a similar business.
Therefore I am very optimistic that e-commerce will be huge in Indonesia!
E-commerce Business Model: Online vs. Retail Marketplace
There is a significant difference in between a marketplace and an online store. For an easier understanding, let's use the analogy of a marketplace as a mall and an online store as a retail store. The most popular marketplace model worldwide are eBay and Alibaba, while Amazon would be a very familiar name for an online retail model.
eBay's business model is to generate revenue from two things, listing fee and final value fee or transaction fee. Listing fee is charged to merchants or sellers for any products that appear on eBay. Sellers will still be paying for listing fee regardless the goods are sold or not. Meanwhile, transaction fee or final value fee will be charged by eBay when a transaction occurs – such fee is determined in a percentage amount of the value of goods sold. Since eBay has Paypal, they will also gain from the third kind of the fee via an escrow service or a payment made via Paypal. Such monetization model is fairly prone to the shady deals completed outside of eBay, therefore eBay provides a harsh penalty if they caught theirs merchant settling transactions outside of eBay. With these models, what eBay calls a revenue is not the total value of the transaction, but the listing fee and final value fee/ transaction fee received. Since eBay requires no inventory and all the operational services are performed by merchants, their profit is considerably high compared to Amazon.
Amazon deploys a very different approach, in which they treat all of their merchants as suppliers of goods. They set a margin for every transaction. In the retail world, clothing and books could possibly have a margin of 40% or more, but electronics, gadgets and computers normally can only go as far as 5% or slightly beyond. By applying a margin, what Amazon calls a revenue is the entire transactional value of goods. With this kind of model, the value of Amazon's revenue is huge. Yet, since the operational costs spent on inventory, risk, lost goods, and customer service are also comparably huge, their profit is considered fairly small.
Alibaba's approach is similar to eBay but still with a few significant differences. Their B2B marketplace model has to pay special attention to few particular services such as seller's verification, multilingual customer service, and also mediation service. This model has become sustainable for Alibaba because they collect recurring income from the sellers for all the services they offer.
When it comes to goods, goods owned by online retail can be of a consignment type or purchased. Consignment is often used if traffic to the online is considerably high and suppliers are convinced that their products will be sold once in the hands of the online retail. Purchased goods approach is normally done when the online retail wants exclusive products – and also weighing a risk factor that the goods might not get sold.
In the offline world, the marketplace model is similar to a market and a mall, while the online retail model is implemented by companies such as Sogo and Matahari.
Multiply applies a marketplace model just like Tokopedia. Such model generates revenue from value of the transaction or premium member features. Revenue from this model is considered small compared with the value of the transaction – whereas the costs spent are not small due to operational and marketing expenses. In the case of Multiply, they subsidize transactions with free shipping offer.
Blibli, Lazada and Bhinneka, with their online retail model, take a relatively higher margin than a marketplace model can do by only applying transaction fee.
Companies like Tokobagus and Berniaga who act on a media model offer classified ads to visitors. This model does not gain from transaction fee but from listings made by sellers. In an early stage of e-commerce in Indonesia, this model is quite simple. Sellers also directly feel the benefit of the paid, premium features when their listing is shown as a premium one.
Alibaba's approach is similar to eBay but still with a few significant differences. Their B2B marketplace model has to pay special attention to few particular services such as seller's verification, multilingual customer service, and also mediation service. This model has become sustainable for Alibaba because they collect recurring income from the sellers for all the services they offer.
When it comes to goods, goods owned by online retail can be of a consignment type or purchased. Consignment is often used if traffic to the online is considerably high and suppliers are convinced that their products will be sold once in the hands of the online retail. Purchased goods approach is normally done when the online retail wants exclusive products – and also weighing a risk factor that the goods might not get sold.
In the offline world, the marketplace model is similar to a market and a mall, while the online retail model is implemented by companies such as Sogo and Matahari.
E-commerce Business Models in Indonesia
Multiply applies a marketplace model just like Tokopedia. Such model generates revenue from value of the transaction or premium member features. Revenue from this model is considered small compared with the value of the transaction – whereas the costs spent are not small due to operational and marketing expenses. In the case of Multiply, they subsidize transactions with free shipping offer.
Blibli, Lazada and Bhinneka, with their online retail model, take a relatively higher margin than a marketplace model can do by only applying transaction fee.
Companies like Tokobagus and Berniaga who act on a media model offer classified ads to visitors. This model does not gain from transaction fee but from listings made by sellers. In an early stage of e-commerce in Indonesia, this model is quite simple. Sellers also directly feel the benefit of the paid, premium features when their listing is shown as a premium one.
Thanks to @deasurjadi for the translation
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