Saturday, September 05, 2009

Mom Bloggers: A Credible Voice for Consumers

I started to look at this trend on Twitter trending topics #cloroxclassrooms. It was started as a news headline from National Education Association Health Information Network (NEA HIN) and The Clorox Company Offer Free Disinfecting Wipes to Teachers Nationwide. The message was tweeted and gradually transformed and added with #cloroxclassrooms.

The URL directs us to the CloroxClassrom website. It provides information to the teachers:
"With teachers' limited resources and heightened concerns about the H1N1 2009 flu virus this year, it is critical that they have the tools they need to implement simple prevention strategies," said Jerry Newberry, executive director, NEA HIN. "Healthy habits, like hand washing and disinfecting germ hot spots are important steps to help prevent the spread of germs that can cause illnesses, like flu."

The website offers incentives to the teachers to download a free "Clean Up the Classroom" kit, which includes lesson plans, games and other tools to help reduce the spread of germs at school. This information is really relevant to the latest H1N1 threat lately. Once it is believed will be beneficial to all the mothers, then the message get retweeted, again and again.

We can break a viral message into two parts, the message and the viral effect. The message was published by Clorox Company as a press release. It is relevant to mothers that cares about health. Then comes Twitter that becomes the vehicle for the viral effect.

The creation of a #
cloroxclassrooms hashtag certainly make it easy to refer to the topic discussed. A hashtag is similar to other web tags – it helps add tweets to a category. A tag can become a trending topic by creating a convention agreed by influencers–influential tweeters with thousands of followers, to tweet the tag back and forth supported by the followers behind them. A closer look at What the Hashtag shows us that @ConsumerQueen, @MommyBrain and @momspark are the highest influencers that drives the traffic for this topic. In a nutshell, added with an ecosystem of influencers, a tag can leap to become a trending topic.

The credibility of the person behind this influential tweeter is what we called the mom bloggers. They write what they see and believe. Especially in this economy, some mom bloggers write just to get some fun and free stuff. In return, they are putting a lot of time and energy what they think about those products. A lot of moms loved the idea of being sent products to review.

But for some, their goal is to offer support and advice to other moms, build a reputation for themselves as influencers, and to develop a chance to become professional bloggers. The most dedicated, innovative and marketing-savvy mom bloggers then become advisors for corporations, serve as spokespeople and even earn a living from this profession. In recent times, the values of those giveaways has substantially increase to a significant value. They use social media such as blog to share their opinion and Twitter to spread the message.

Here's some notable Mom's blog to explore:
As for the Twitter counterpart, try these:


  1. Thank you so much for the great article!

  2. Great Article, I was hosting the party as well. I just counted my updates with over 60 cloroxclassroom tweets... ; ) but somehow, not all were registered.. because the party was so awesome! @couponprincess

  3. Thank you so much what a great article! Very interesting too!

  4. What a great article thank you so much! Very interesting information!

  5. Thank you for the informative look at mom bloggers and the role they are playing in sharing information.

  6. Thank you for including Mamanista in your list.

    I also really appreciate how you acknowledge that there are different reasons moms blog.

    Whether we are blogging for our community, to raise awareness, build a career, or for the joy of finding the best deal or the latest gadget, I think we've shown that authentic bloggers can be a real force.

    Great post.
