Friday, May 30, 2008

Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind One Laptop Per Child

A pioneer in the field of computer-aided design, Negroponte is perhaps best known for founding and directing MIT's Media Lab, which helped drive the multimedia revolution and now houses more than 500 researchers and staff. An original investor in WIRED (and the magazine’s "patron saint"), for five years he penned a column exploring the frontiers of technology -- ideas that he expanded into his 1995 best-selling book Being Digital. An angel investor extraordinaire, he's funded more than 40 startups, and served on the boards of companies such as Motorola and Ambient Devices.

But his latest effort, the One Laptop Per Child project, may prove his most ambitious. The organization is manufacturing the XO (the "$100 laptop"), a wireless Internet-enabled, pedal-powered computer costing roughly $100. Negroponte hopes to put the first devices in the hands of the children in the developing world by the end of 2007, expanding to millions more by 2010 (see XOGiving for details on how you can help -- and get an XO for yourself).

"If Nicholas Negroponte can achieve his ambition of distributing $100 laptops to the world's disadvantaged children, he will help redefine philanthropy and see his name added to a list alongside the likes of Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller."
Technology Review

One Laptop per Child designer Yves Behar (watch his TEDTalk) shares exciting news about the top-to-bottom redesign of the XO laptop -- sometimes called the "$100 laptop." He writes:

With the XO (1.0), we pushed the boundaries of what a laptop could be by lowering the cost dramatically, being green (no heavy metals, lowest energy consumption ever), and a human-driven unique design approach.

Now, with XOXO (2.0), we are challenging what a truly collaborative and creative computing experience could be ... a true departure from the traditional keyboard and screen layout, a new way to interface and play with data, information and communication:

- imagine if your learning machine was an un-interrupted screen one could interface with from any direction
- imagine if it was a reading experience just like a book, and at the same time a seamless large visual tablet
- imagine if children could play board games sitting across from each other (or computer games).

The XOXO is a book, a tablet, a board...and yes, a laptop too if that is what you need. The design is still green and white, but thin, simple, and un-interrupted by keyboards, buttons, speaker holes, input devices and visible connectors. And it is soft to the touch, like a piece of luggage, everyday luggage you can take anywhere.

Planned for early 2010, the XOXO should be the next learning object of desire, from Bogota, to Istanbul, to New York.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

David Kelley: The future of design is human-centered

David Kelley is a designer -- of products, details, environments, his own industry-leading workplace, and now a groundbreaking design school at Stanford.

Kelley was working (unhappily) as an electrical engineer when he heard about Stanford's cross-disciplinary Joint Program in Design, which merged engineering and art. What he learned there -- debate, openness to new approaches, a desire to solve fundamental problems with design -- he has maintained in his professional life as a designer.

In 1978, he co-founded a design firm that ultimately became IDEO, now renowned worldwide for its innovative, user-centered approach to design. IDEO works with a range of clients -- from fast food conglomerates to high tech startups, hospitals to universities -- building everything from a life-saving portable defibrillator to the defining details at the groundbreaking Prada shop in Manhattan (IDEO designed those famous see-through dressing rooms). Based in Palo Alto, Calif., IDEO has grown to seven offices and 400+ employees worldwide.

Now chairman of IDEO, Kelley has also been teaching design at Stanford for more than 25 years. He's now leading the university's brand-new -- an interdisciplinary institute for educating innovative designers and thinkers.

"Kelley has become a poster child for innovation in America for two reasons: His engineering firm serves as the brains behind many of today's most innovative products, and IDEO (Greek for idea) has been a trendsetter in modern-day corporate management."
Virtual Advisor (

Dean Kamen: Rolling along, helping students and the third world

Dean Kamen is an innovator, but not just of things. He hopes to revolutionize attitudes, quality of life, awareness. While an undergraduate, he developed the first portable infusion device, which delivers drug treatments that once required round-the-clock hospital care. And, through his DEKA Research and Development, which he cofounded in 1982, he developed a portable dialysis machine, a vascular stent, and the iBOT -- a motorized wheelchair that climbs stairs (Stephen Colbert took one for a spin).

Yes, he's a college dropout, but he's a huge believer in education, and in 1989 established the nonprofit FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) to inspire teenagers to pursue careers in science. FIRST sponsors lively annual competitions, where students form teams to create the best robot.

His focus now is on off-grid electricity and water purification for developing countries; another recent project, previewed at TED2007, is a prosthetic arm for maimed soldiers (read an update here). He's also working on a power source for the wonderful Think car. And, with more funding in the works, we haven't seen the last of the Segway.

"Lots of people talk and dream about changing the world. But inventor Dean Kamen is actually doing it."
CBS News

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ron Eglash: African Fractals

"Ethno-mathematician" Ron Eglash is the author of African Fractals, a book that examines the fractal patterns underpinning architecture, art and design in many parts of Africa. By looking at aerial-view photos -- and then following up with detailed research on the ground -- Eglash discovered that many African villages are purposely laid out to form perfect fractals, with self-similar shapes repeated in the rooms of the house, and the house itself, and the clusters of houses in the village, in mathematically predictable patterns.

As he puts it: "When Europeans first came to Africa, they considered the architecture very disorganized and thus primitive. It never occurred to them that the Africans might have been using a form of mathematics that they hadn't even discovered yet."

His other areas of study are equally fascinating, including research into African and Native American cybernetics, teaching kids math through culturally specific design tools (such as the Virtual Breakdancer applet, which explores rotation and sine functions), and race and ethnicity issues in science and technology. Eglash teaches in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, and he recently co-edited the book Appropriating Technology, about how we reinvent consumer tech for our own uses.

"Next time you bump into one of those idiots who starts asking you questions like, 'where is the African Mozart, or where is the African Brunel?' -- implying that Africans do not think -- send them a copy of Ron Eglash’s study of fractals in African architecture and watch their heads explode."

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Starchitect on TED: Joshua Prince-Ramus

Architect Joshua Prince-Ramus takes the audience on dazzling, dizzying virtual tours of three recent projects, including the Seattle Central Library, Museum Plaza in Louisville and Dallas' Charles Wyly Theater. Adopting what he describes as a "hyper-rational" approach to architecture, Joshua Prince-Ramus explains how logic can act as the catalyst for extraordinary buildings. He previews an ambitious new theater in Dallas, a hyper-customizable performance space in which everything -- stage, seats, walls, ceiling -- can be altered on the fly. He concludes with an animation of the 1.1-million-square-foot Museum Plaza in Louisville, scheduled for completion in 2010. Source:

Very inspiring design process and spectacular visualization! But personally, I didn't enjoy the design result.
Andi S. Boediman

e-Choupal, Transforming Agricultural Supply Chain

In setting up rural farmer-entrepreneurs with Internet access, and using modern technology to accurately weigh farmers' crops (and paying them promptly), ITC's e-Choupal system is transforming India's agricultural supply chain, reducing systemic corruption and giving farmers both better prices for their crops and a sense of dignity and confidence in being connected to the rest of the world.

Amy Smith: Simple designs that could save millions of childrens' lives

Mechanical engineer Amy Smith's approach to problem-solving in developing nations is refreshingly common-sense: Invent cheap, low-tech devices that use local resources, so communities can reproduce her efforts and ultimately help themselves. Smith, working with her students at MIT, has come up with several useful tools, including an incubator that stays warm without electricity, a simple grain mill, and a tool that converts farm waste into cleaner-burning charcoal.

The inventions have earned Smith three prestigious prizes: the B.F. Goodrich Collegiate Inventors Award, the MIT-Lemelson Prize, and a MacArthur "genius" grant. Her course, "Design for Developing Countries," is a pioneer in bringing humanitarian design into the curriculum of major institutions. Going forward, the former Peace Corps volunteer strives to do much more, bringing her inventiveness and boundless energy to bear on some of the world's most persistent problems.

"Smith has a stable of oldfangled technologies that she has reconfigured and applied to underdeveloped areas around the world. Her solutions sound like answers to problems that should have been solved a century ago. To Smith, that's the point."
Wired News

Iqbal Quadir: The power of the mobile phone to end poverty

As a kid in rural Bangladesh in 1971, Iqbal Quadir had to walk half a day to another village to find the doctor -- who was not there. Twenty years later he felt the same frustration while working at a New York bank, using diskettes to share information during a computer network breakdown. His epiphany: In both cases, "connectivity is productivity." Had he been able to call the doctor, it would have saved him hours of walking for nothing.

Partnering with microcredit pioneer GrameenBank, in 1997 Quadir established GrameenPhone, a wireless operator now offering phone services to 80 million rural Bangladeshi. It's become the model for a bottom-up, tech-empowered approach to development. "Phones have a triple impact," Quadir says. "They provide business opportunities; connect the village to the world; and generate over time a culture of entrepreneurship, which is crucial for any economic development."

"GrameenPhone has increased the country’s GDP by a far greater amount than repeated infusions of foreign aid. "
The New Nation

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pekan Produk Budaya Indonesia 4 - 8 Juni 2008

Dengan ini kami sampaikan bahwa 12 Departemen/Kementerian Negara, KADIN dan DEKRANAS melalui koordinasi Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat akan menyelenggarakan Pekan Produk Budaya Indonesia (PPBI) 2008, pada tanggal 4 s/d Juni 2008 di Jakarta Convention Center.

Dalam PPBI 2008 akan dilaksanakan berbagai kegiatan meliputi:
a. Pameran akan menampilkan beragam produk budaya Indonesia dan industri kreatif
b. Konvensi yang terdiri atas seminar, lokakarya dan dialog
c. Gelar seni budaya yang akan menampilkan berbagai seni budaya Indonesia

Sehubungan dengan acara tersebut, tersedia area khusus untuk pameran industri kreatif (software & Internet, permainan interaktif, animasi, film, musik, periklanan, penerbitan buku & komik, animasi, fesyen, barang seni & kerajinan, desain produk, desain mebel, fotografi, arsitektur, desain grafis, seni pertunjukan)

Agar kegiatan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi para pelaku industri maupun khalayak masyarakat, kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara sebagai peserta dan membantu koordinasi dari industri terkait agar tercipta sinergi yang baik antar para pelaku industri dan pameran ini dapat memberikan hasil yang maksimal.

Bagi para pelaku industri kreatif, tersedia stand bersubsidi yang diprioritaskan kepada produk-produk unggulan dan berdasarkan masukan dari asosiasi atau komunitas kreatif yang bersangkutan. Term of Reference bisa dilihat di bawah ini:

Silakan mendistribusikan informasi ini kepada rekan2 pelaku industri kreatif lainnya.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Paola Antonelli: Design as Art

Since she stepped back from practicing architecture in order to focus on writing about design, teaching and curating gallery exhibitions, Italian native Paola Antonelli has become a force to be reckoned with in the design world. Working at the Museum of Modern Art in New York since 1994, she now heads up the gallery's Architecture and Design department and has worked on shows such as "Humble Masterpieces," which celebrated traditionally unheralded design icons such as the paperclip; "Safe," considering issues of protection, and "Workspheres," a look at contemporary workplace design.

Ever mindful that the majority of visitors to MOMA are attracted by artists such as Picasso and Matisse, Antonelli works to ensure that if they do stumble across a design-related show, they'll be both entertained and enlightened. Her latest book is Exit to Tomorrow: World's Fair Architecture, Design, Fashion 1933-2005.

"Paola Antonelli’s goal is to insistently promote design’s understanding, until its positive influence on the world is fully acknowledged."
World Technology Network

Jeff Han: Unveiling the genius of multi-touch interface design

Jeff Han’s intuitive "interface-free" computer displays -- controlled by the touch of fingertips -- will change forever the way you think about computers. At TED 2006, the audience whistled, clapped and gasped audibly as Han demoed (for the first time publicly) his prototype drafting table-cum-touch display, developed at NYU's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. The demo included a virtual lightbox, where he moved photos by fingertip -- as if they were paper on a desk -- flicking them across the screen and zooming in and out by pinching two fingers together, as well as a Google Earth-like map that he tilted and flew over with simple moves.

When the demo hit the web, bloggers and YouTubers made him a bit of a megastar. (His video has been watched more than 600,000 times on YouTube alone; "Amazing," "Incredible" and "Freaking awesome" are the typical responses there. Also: "When can I buy one?") After this legendary demo, Han launched a startup called Perceptive Pixel -- and when he came back to TED2007, he and his team brought an entire interactive wall, where TEDsters lined up to play virtual guitars.

"Working all but alone from his hardware-strewn office, Jeff Han is about to change the face of computing. Not even the big boys are likely to catch him."
Fast Company

Ross Lovegrove: The power and beauty of organic design

Ross Lovegrove is truly a pioneer of industrial design. As founder of Studio X in the Notting Hill area of London, the Welsh-born designer has exuberantly embraced the potential offered by digital technologies. However, he blends his love of high tech with a belief that the natural world had the right idea all along: Many of his pieces are inspired by principles of evolution and microbiology.

Delightedly crossing categories, Lovegrove has worked for clients as varied as Apple, Issey Miyake, Herman Miller and Airbus, and in 2005 he was awarded the World Technology Award for design. His personal artwork has been exhibited at MoMA in New York, the Pompidou Centre in Paris and the Design Museum in London. Lovegrove's astonishing objects are the result of an ongoing quest to create forms that, as he puts it, touch people’s soul.

"Lovegrove's specialty is in qualifying the present moment in design, rather than restyling the past, by employing new technologies with new materials to define new shapes."
New York Times

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Presidential Lecture featuring Bill Gates

Chris Lie, Bullitt, me, Danu & P. Irvan

I got a call from a friend yesterday about 6 pm offering an invitation to come on Bill Gates speaking engagement. "Yes, definitely!" The presentation will start on Friday at 7.30 am. And everybody should arrive at 6.30 am.

It turns out that lots of people are there, I meet pak Guntur (Paperina), pak Irvan (BD+A), mas Danton (adgi), Mendiola (FDGI), Bullitt, Chris Lee, Shinta (Bubu) and even Arief from Petakumpet Jogja is there. And so many businessman, government officials are there also. More than 2.000 people attending the lecture conducted inside Plenary Hall.

Wimar Witoelar sit in front of me and I also saw Joe Kamdani from Datascrip. Since Kadin responsible for organizing the event, Agus Silaban, Hidayat (Apkomindo), Aninditya Bakrie and many others looks busy preparing the event.

On the giant screen, SBY wearing formal suit entering JCC. A few minutes later, Bill Gates entering JCC wearing... Batik! Wow, what a surprise. Then, all the audience have to wait for more than 30 minutes??? A few friend fall asleep. It seems that everybody had to get up early. Then, SBY coming out from the private room with different clothes, ... Batik of course :)

Later today I learn that SBY and all minister have to find an instant Batik! And everybody have to wait for this :( I guess Bill Gates won't mind to have SBY and everybody wearing formal suit. What a protocoler.

SBY opens the lecture by mentioning about Indonesian future strategy on IT. Mari E. Pangestu as moderator introduce Bill Gates a bit before he is talking about The Second Digital Decade. He shares the vision of convergence, the future of computing through natural interface such as speech recognition and other research done in Microsoft Research and Innovation Center.

He continue with the demo on worldwide telescope, a technology that combines feds from satellites and telescopes all over the world and the heavens, and builds a comprehensive view of our universe. Nice!

See similar demo on TED.

ITB students are invited to speak since they won an innovation software competition creating ABC software. This software use speech recognition and multi mice to teach illiterate people. In closing, they say thank you to Microsoft for the technology they provide. What a good PR!

The Q&A session turns out has already staged. Only 5 previously selected question and people, 2 from sponsors, media and 2 students. The only notable question is from Rene (Kompas) asking about how Microsoft strategy on Open Source. And we don't even understand what the answer is :(

Anyway, it is a smart effort by SBY to have this moment as good PR before the election :) But not as rewarding as I expected. And too many technical glitch from the organizer!


DSCollege Student Showreel (Design|Animation|Filmmaking)

DS College student Exhibition Opening

Design student portfolio showcase

Animation student portfolio showcase

Filmmaking student portfolio showcase

Event video coverage

Friday, May 09, 2008

Poeioei: Batik Tulis for Your Style

PoeiOei is a cross cultural brand that derives from a Chinese Indonesian family heritage and tradition, also known as “Peranakan” culture. The products are highly inspired by our family collection of chinese indonesian batik tulis that are originally used for table cloths, bed covers, and pillow cases, etc. these were extremely popular back in the 60s.

By collaborating batik and genuine napa leather (also produced locally), they have created a variety of eclectic carrying cases suitable for the young and old.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Starchitect on TED: Frank Gehry

Speaking at TED in 1990, the not-yet-legendary architect Frank Gehry takes a whistlestop tour of his work to date, from his own Venice Beach house to the under-construction American Center in Paris. In this 50-minute slideshow (before TED's 18-minute limit), Gehry explains the site-specific nature of his buildings -- context he felt was lost in the discussions of his then-controversial work. In this candid and funny talk, he exposes his own messy creative process ("I take pieces and bits, and look at it, and struggle with it, and cut it away...") and the way he struggles with problems ("This model on the left is pretty awful. I was ready to commit suicide when this was built ... If any of you have ideas on it, please contact me. I don't know what to do"). Source:

Frank Gehry wanted to be a scientist when he grew up. But after blowing up a part of his house, at age 14, he decided against it. He's gone on to create some mindblowing buildings, including the Guggenheim at Bilbao and LA's Walt Disney Concert Hall. This wildly entertaining conversation with Richard Saul Wurman (then host of TED) touches on many topics, including the power of failure, the importance of collaboration, and the need for architects to bring personal expression to the table. Source:

I was never a fan to Gehry. To me, his design is too bulky. Anyway, Gehry opens door to all starchitects in the world through Bilbao. It truly make an economic impact. This is an ideonomics in action!
Andi S. Boediman

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Superblue: Find Out Why They are Super

October 01, 2005

Superblue is a fresh and innovative design company that specialises in projects for the built environment.

They have been involved in a number of regeneration projects in the UK, and have a growing reputation for creating unique and distinctive designs that meet the needs of specific communities. Good strategies are just as important as good designs.

Superblue has a core staff who works regularly with a network of diverse and talented specialists in architecture, engineering, graphics and multi-media.

Chiming Tree

The collection box which chimes takes pleasure in being used. Made from different chime bars, each branch of this donation box will chime out a different tune.As the coins hit each bar a different note is sounded out, rewarding and attracting people to donate money. Different branches at different hights allow children and adults to play the tree. The tree can be found at the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground. The tree has also been produced with an oak front panel for St James’s park

Flower Kerb

A highly patterned kerb stone. The motif is repeated throughout an area on unsuspecting surfaces... door handles, bus tickets, coffee cups, the underside of chairs... Some will surprise, some may never be found. The motif spreads like a disease infecting an area and filtering into everyone’s lives. Branding to the extreme.

Hidden Art Stool

Hidden Art Exhibition system

Another successful collaboration with Superblue Associate Jon Almond we are proud to announce that the Modular Exhibtion System will be launched as a product at this years 100% Design. The concept was to design the most practical and versatile system for varied uses on exhibitions over 3 years for the charity Hidden Art. The plinth system was developed as a response to or experience with past exhibition and the brief given. Our Main aim was to design a plinth system is based on using metal units which when slotted together create a varied arrangement of plinth sizes. The U shape of the plinth components allows them to be stacked and packed for transport and storage.

These are the points we wanted to address:

  1. The ability to display variety of work

  2. High finish quality of units and durability for future exhibitions.

  3. Storage space on the stand,

  4. Ease of stand Assembly

  5. Visual language and Branding

  6. Transportation

Having proved itself at both Milano Salone and House and Garden the system will be launched at 100% Design 2006. See how Hidden Art have used the system at House and Garden and at Milano Furniture Salone. To see more from these shows check out our news items in the archive.

The system will be available for all applications and can be personalised to specific companies needs through the unique laser cut graphics.

Hidden Art Stool

The units can be individualised with your laser cut identity. All the units show a strong attention to detail. Check out the whole system below. Please conatct us for full specification and prices

full modular exhibtion system

Friday, May 02, 2008

Digital Artist from Thailand

As part of 1001 Inspiration 17 - 24 July, we are going to invite Anuchai Secharunputong to share his insight to create this mind-boggling images.

Source: Anuchai website

Mr. Anuchai Secharunputong established “P.A.Graphic Company Limited” in 1989. The company provided print-designing service to both service and product companies for their advertising and promotional purposes. The name “P.A. Graphic Company Limited” was renamed to “Remix Studio Bangkok Co., Ltd.” in 1993. Remix Studio Bangkok Co., Ltd located at 487 Ladprao 94 Road Wangthonglang Bangkok 10310. Remix Studio is the production house where photography and computer retouching are arranged at one place as one stop service. Anuchai’s works have been known more to oversea market when they appeared at Cannes Lions since year 1999, and the prizes have been received continuously until 2006 totally 13 prizes which includes 2 Gold awards, 2 Silver awards and 9 Bronze awards. And he received 4 prizes this year 2007 which include 2 Gold and 2 Bronze.

Moreover, he has received the winner and merit awards as the best photographer from Maha Chakri Sirindhorn on the occasion of Bangkok Steel Exhibition; Conference 2006 which held by The Royal Photographic Society of Thailand & LPN Plate Mill Public Co., Ltd.

Anuchai Secharunputong has been ranked at the very beginning numbers of international photographers ranking arranged by Archive magazine every year. (For more information, please visit In 2004, he was ranked number one photographer by Archive Magazine. In the same year, Anuchai has been promoted by Archive magazine to be one of 200 world best photographers. And his achievements are announced in 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide Book, 2004 – 2007. For domestic rank, Archive Magazine has put him on the first rank for over 5 years continuously.

The acceptance of Anuchai’s works and his fame have opened him chances to be invited as honor guest for several important occasions offered by different institutions and organizations both locally and oversea; such as Board of Jury of Citra Pariwara, Jakarta Indonesia; Board of Jury for the project “Thai Heritage, World Heritage” held by PTT; Board of Jury for Bangkok Art Directors Awards (B.A.D. Awards); Board of Jury Top Advertising Contest of Thailand (TACT Awards) and more which will be described later.

The highest honor and most pride of his working life came when he was selected to be one amongst famous professional photographers to work with the greatest ceremony occasion of “The 60th Anniversary Celebration of His Majesty’s Accession to Throne”.

In year 2007, Anuchai is selected to be one of 55 world’s most celebrated photographers to create a contemporary portrait of the Kingdom called “Thailand-9days in the Kingdom” book.
Moreover, this year Anuchai is remarked to the public by his soloist photo exhibition called “Our Beloved King”. He has spent his after-work over three years on this project. His journey through 76 provinces all over Thailand to take the King’s pictures hung on Thai residents’ home wall for 81 exhibited-photos has proved his extreme intention and dedication to make something for the King.

Gaming is the New Sport

The recent popularity of Wii prove that game is not just for kids and geeks. It caters to the mass through various application. Here’s a more tantalizing possibility: A German firm has created a Wii-to-SL interface for the treadmill.

And The World Cyber Games is the largest gaming culture that celebrate game player as rock stars. It gather a lot publication and very popular among youth. and it also grows very fast. So, set aside sports! And prepare for the new game idol!

Predicting the Trend through Information Visualization

You've never seen data presented like this. With the drama and urgency of a sportscaster, Hans Rosling debunks myths about the so-called "developing world" using extraordinary animation software developed by his Gapminder Foundation. The Trendalyzer software (recently acquired by Google) turns complex global trends into lively animations, making decades of data pop. Asian countries, as colorful bubbles, float across the grid -- toward better national health and wealth. Animated bell curves representing national income distribution squish and flatten. In Rosling's hands, global trends -- life expectancy, child mortality, poverty rates -- become clear, intuitive and even playful.

This reminds me the works done by Joshua Davis. He is using a generative system to create artwork through the decision of the programs he writes. One of the components of this system is how to color and paint the artwork. He also invites public to interact with his artwork.

See Joshua Davis works on Flickr

And see Diggs Lab, the labs provide a broader (and deeper) view of Digg. A lot of stuff gets submitted to Digg every day, so good things can sometimes fly right past the readers. Labs projects look beneath the surface of the Digg community's activities. They also released a public API for Digg so that anyone can turn Digg data into their own visualizations.

Through wisdom of crowds, any tag, information, data will be collected together. By modeling and comparing the data through space and time, it just a matter of time that someone will comes up with an interface and understanding to predict the trend.

The Big Lebowski Typography

The Big Lebowski Typography from koosdekker on Vimeo.

The Big Lebowski and motion graphics, have been combined in this translation of a popular scene from the film using only animated typography as its visual. It is a great example of how effective type can be in video when used with familiar visual traits. Animator and designer Koos Dekker was certainly successful in re-creating visual dialogue without using any images from the film. This video was created in Adobe After Effects.